ECO-VIBES – ECOlogically VIable Business innovation through ECVET compliant digital Entrepreneurial Skills training
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Funded by: Erasmus+ programme of the EU Commission
Measure: Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
Start date: 01 November 2021
Duration: 24 months
- P1: Plovdivski Universitet Paisiy Hilendarski
- P2: D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics
- P4: Eufora Perivalontiki Chiou Meleton Kai Ipiresion Monoprosopi Eteria Idiotiki Kefaleouxikis Eterias (EUFORA)
- P5: Eurocy Innovations LTD
Aims and objectives
Our project focuses on the digital skills required for successful entrepreneurship. We aim at training the eco-entrepreneurs, who are and will be the new SME founders, in digital skills, which will make the difference in turning their entrepreneurship into innovative businesses.
Target groups
- Existing and aspiring eco-entrepreneurs and startup owners
- Young company (SME) owners
- Entrepreneurial and SME networks
- Students in Economy and Business departments, Technology departments and Ecological departments of Universities/Colleges
- Providers of education/training material for digital skills and business innovation
- Policy makers in environmental sustainability of businesses
- PR1: ECVET-compliant ECO-VIBES Course Curriculum
- PR2: ECO-VIBES e-Course Modules
- PR3: ECO-VIBES Digital Simulation Environment to facilitate the Training/Learning, Assessment and Reflection Experience
- PR4: ECO-VIBES Case-based Adoption Handbook for a Sustainable Training/Learning Implementation